Diagnosing PDA in Hertfordshire
Today, a report of the experiences of 38 parents was sent to Hertfordshire's 'All Age Autism Partnership Board' with a call for action.
The majority of parents had very poor experiences of local services and of the diagnostic process. One mother wrote:
"I first became aware of PDA on a television programme and thought that was exactly like my son. I was then astonished/disgusted that professionals involved with my son all agreed he had problems with demands (understatement) but that Hertfordshire did not accept PDA.
My son has been out of school for the past two years as he couldn't cope.”
The report calls for the All Age Autism Partnership Board to:
take a leadership role in recognising PDA as a ‘diagnostic profile’ within ASD, working with diagnostic teams and Autism service providers to develop a common understanding, and
ensure staff within the County have the training and expertise to fully support both young people and adults with the condition.
The report provides significant evidence of systemic problems, particularly in South and West Hertfordshire, and it is hoped that this will be a catalyst for change. The call to action has been supported by the charities supporting Autistic families in Hertfordshire.