PDA Research - unanswered questions
Isaac described his experience of PDA in a video a few years ago, and so many questions come to mind when watching it. What is going on...

PDA Practice Guidance
This is the first publication for clinicians on the practicalities of identifying a PDA profile. It provides substantial detail on the...

Guidance on Fabricated or Induced Illness
BASW have published a Practice Guide for Social Workers on Fabricated or Induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations. The Guide...

Diagnosing PDA in Hertfordshire
Today, a report of the experiences of 38 parents was sent to Hertfordshire's 'All Age Autism Partnership Board' with a call for action....

PDA Diagnosis at a Tipping Point
The process of diagnosing Autism has changed in recent years, following the direction of the American diagnostic manual (DSM-5) which did...

Supporting young people in care
A proposed amendment to the Children and Social Work bill would require assessment of children entering care to check for...

PDA and Professionals
Pathological Demand Avoidance was described as a condition relatively recently, and while schools and parents are recognising children...

Improving CAMHS and Social Care
This report describes the experiences of Isaac and our family while accessing services from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health...

Decline in health visiting
In 2008 the health visiting service was in decline and the effects on families were captured in this report of a survey of 6,000 mums....

Mums and Mental Health Problems
When health problems are discussed, very often it is professionals getting together to try to work out what will work best. It is not...

Personal Profile
This personal profile is a resource intended to help identify individual PDA traits, and what actions can help. It could be adapted for...

Demand-Anxiety Cycle
The Demand-Anxiety cycle helps families explore what it means to have Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and to explain the key aspects...

Perinatal mental health
The Pregnancy and Post-Birth Wellbeing Plan ​This plan is used by women with support from their midwife or health visitor at around the...